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Another Year of Books

Welcome to my blog. Where reading a lot of books is the goal.

Emily Powell

3 minutes read

I swear I add at least one book to my “To Be Read” list each week. Some weeks, it’s more depending on what is released. A while back, I added The Husband Hour. I figured I’d get around to it at some point. Then Meghan, my sister, asked if I had read any of Jamie Brenner’s books and said that she liked this one. I then moved it up on the list and read it within 4 days. No sooner did I read it, then another book (or two… or five) took its spot on the TBR list.

Emily Powell

3 minutes read

August, is that you? Ugh, it is. Gosh, summer is halfway over. It keeps getting hotter. I still need a tan… I should get on that (after I put on my sunscreen, of course). We’ve found ourselves out on our deck a lot more this summer. It’s been so nice to sit outside, put my feet up, and read a book (or several) until I get too hot (during the day) or too chilly (at night). Given that it’s August, it seems fitting that the next book is about summer.

Emily Powell

3 minutes read

Do you ever hear a song on the radio (or Spotify or Apple Music) and it just fits? Fits the mood you’re in, fits what’s going on in your life at the moment, fits the traffic. I’m sure you have; it happens to me all the time. I’m guilty of hearing a song, album or artist I like so much, I constantly listen to the same thing for a period of time. I listen while I work, while I commute, while I cook, while I clean. Recently, it happened with the In the Heights soundtrack, then before that, I…

Emily Powell

3 minutes read

Sometimes, this little intro blurb comes to me without any problems. Other times, like today, it is a struggle to think of anything to write. Should I talk about the weather? Summer flying by? Fun trips I have planned? Fun trips I hope you have planned? Or maybe I should just get to it. I think I’ll go with the last option.

Emily Powell

3 minutes read

In 2018, we bought tickets to see Jerry Seinfeld in Pittsburgh in early 2019. I knew of him (of course - who doesn’t?), had seen Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee, but had never seen much of Seinfeld. We decided that we would start watching the show from the very beginning. At first, we had a lofty goal of finishing the sitcom before we went to the live show. That was a REALLY lofty goal; I mean there are 9 seasons and 180 episodes. It’s a time commitment. I think it took us over a year to…

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My name is Emily, and I blog about all of the books I read. I hope my reviews help you find an interesting book.