Anytime you are waiting for the next book in a series, it feels like the release date takes forever to arrive. This is exactly what happened to me with this next read. I read the second book in the series after it came out last December. I pre-ordered the third for my Kindle. When I saw that Barnes & Noble had the third book in stock the weekend before the offical release day, I cancelled my Kindle pre-order and headed to the store. Now, I’m back to waiting for the fourth book, which comes…
It’s hard to believe Memorial Day is creeping up on us, especially since a week and a half ago, I had to wear a thick sweater and a jacket because it was chilly outside. Now it’s shorts weather. That’s Western PA weather for you. I, for one, am looking forward to being able to sit on my deck and read, all while working on the little tan I will get.
It seems like almost every time I go to Target, my book list grows by at least one, sometimes more. Occasionally, I actually buy the book I see, like when I bought One to Watch; other times, I just add the book to my Amazon list for future reference. I stumbled upon this next read on a Target run. It sounded fun. Then, Amazon sent a promo code to buy it for my Kindle. I usually can’t turn down the promo codes, so here we are with book #18.
There were two main things I wanted for Christmas this past year - a set of all 8 Harry Potter movies (thanks, Mom) and A Promised Land. I figured it would be a good read, would take some time to get through, and I’d learn something along the way. Plus, it would make a good addition to my bookshelf, considering we have Michelle Obama’s Becoming and Pete Souza’s Obama: An Intimate Portrait.
I commented to Matt recently that I have been saying I was going to watch a handful of shows for the past year, and despite having all this time at home, I haven’t. I don’t know if I should be proud for not watching too much TV or disappointed that I’m missing out on some good shows. But, I know that when I do have time to watch an episode or two, I’d rather be reading. That way, I can picture it all in my head, rather than on a screen. It’s a great hobby to have.