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Another Year of Books

Welcome to my blog. Where reading a lot of books is the goal.

Emily Condio

3 minutes read

Let’s cut to the chase. I have no idea what to talk about in this intro blurb today. It’s just not coming to me, which seems to happen decently often. Sometimes, I just roll with it (like now) and other times, I think about it for a couple of days before inevitably talking about the weather, how it’s already almost a holiday (I’m talking to you, Thanksgiving), or about my TBR list. Well, now I’ve managed to talk about all three at once. Go me. Might as well just get on with it…

Book Read: The Last Thing He Told Me
Author: Laura Dave
2021 Book Count: 53

When Owen Michaels disappears, he manages to sneak a note to his wife of one year. “Protect her,” it says. Hannah knows exactly who he means - Owen’s sixteen-year-old daughter, Bailey. The same Bailey who doesn’t seem to want a stepmother and hasn’t for the last year Hannah and Owen have been married.

Then, Owen’s boss is taken into custody by the FBI and they want to talk to Owen; a US Marshal shows up at the door. Things are not adding up, and Hannah realizes her husband is not who she thought he was.

Together, Hannah and Bailey want to know the truth. They set out to find just that, because Bailey’s memories might be the key. Along the way, Hannah and Bailey begin building a completely different future for themselves. It’s one neither of them ever thought would happen.

(I’m purposely keeping this plot summary short because I don’t want to give anything away!)

Read this. Read this now. That’s what I have to say about it.

Just kidding… I’ll say a little more.

I knew I had plans to read this book soon, but decided to bump it up on the list when a high school friend reached out and recommended it. She said she loved it and I was glad to hear it lived up to the hype. So here we are!

The Last Thing He Told Me is gripping. Honestly, I feel like I’m pretty good at predicting book endings, but I couldn’t even think far enough ahead to figure this one out. I just wanted to keep reading until I knew what happened. There are twists. There are so many secrets. There is so much drama. I mean, of course there would be all of these things with a disappearing husband, but trust me, there is way more than that.

Hannah and Bailey’s relationship is the real star here. It has growth, love and big moments. They became some serious sleuths as they set out to find the truth. It was honestly impressive.

Looking for a captivating, don’t want to put it down, fast paced book? Check out The Last Thing He Told Me. You’ll be glad you did.

Next Read: You Had Me at Hola by Alexis Daria

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My name is Emily, and I blog about all of the books I read. I hope my reviews help you find an interesting book.