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Another Year of Books

Welcome to my blog. Where reading a lot of books is the goal.

Book Reviews

Emily Powell

2 minutes read

I learned how to make macarons on Saturday. It was a magical experience. The class was three hours long and well worth every minute. We have already ate half of one box. By the end of the afternoon following, I almost fell asleep reading a book. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday, right?

Emily Powell

3 minutes read

It’s official. Twenty six books down, twenty six books to go. But only twenty three weeks left in the year (if I counted correctly). I better get moving on the next twenty six. The next option may be to read when my boyfriend drives me too work, but he drives pretty quickly. I should probably stick to reading when I get home. 

Emily Powell

3 minutes read

The hardest part of writing Another Year of Books is this intro paragraph. Sometimes, I have a hundred things to say. Other days, like today, I can’t think of even one. I’ve complained about the weather plenty of times, I’ve mentioned my love of walking to the library at lunch, and besides some family visits and yard work, my week has been pretty ordinary. So, I’ll just get right to the point:

Emily Powell

3 minutes read

The week after a holiday, aka a day off, seems to either fly by or drag along. I can’t decide what this week is doing. One day fast, the next day slow. Maybe it’s the heat (I know, I’m still complaining about the heat), or it’s that it just feels like we should all be on a beach. If you are one of the lucky few, don’t forget your hat, sunscreen and a good book. Maybe this one will do the trick! 

Emily Powell

3 minutes read

It is hot outside. Unbearably hot, which means I usually get slightly sun burnt on any walks/runs, and come back to work sweating from my lunchtime walk. It’s super fun, let me tell you. But when it’s this hot, there’s no better time to stay cool in the AC with a good book and an ice cold drink.

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My name is Emily, and I blog about all of the books I read. I hope my reviews help you find an interesting book.