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Another Year of Books

Welcome to my blog. Where reading a lot of books is the goal.

Book Reviews

Emily Powell

3 minutes read

This next read came as a recommendation from a friend. Yes, I know it’s a movie too, so eventually I would have gotten to it. But a recommendation usually bumps up the book on the “to read” list. Really, if this book wasn’t as good as I expected, who knows what would have happened - awkwardness, bitterness, loss of a friend. 

Emily Powell

4 minutes read

In the first weekend of November, my mom, aunt and I ventured to New York City to visit my sister and brother-in-law. We planned ahead for 2 main events - to see Waitress on Broadway, since it is in its final run, and to go to Strand Book Store. Strand is a magical place that has EIGHTEEN miles of books. You read that right - eighteen miles. Us visitors came prepared with room in our suitcases. I don’t think anyone traveled back to Pittsburgh with fewer than 3 books each.

Emily Powell

3 minutes read

I’m writing this while it is 34 degrees outside. Thirty four! Did I blink and miss fall? It really feels like I did. It’s a good thing there are so many books that go well with a cozy blanket. It’s also a good thing that I bought four new books on a trip to visit my sister and brother-in-law in New York City (shout out to the Strand!).

Emily Powell

3 minutes read

When I was writing this, I could not get Burnin’ Up by the Jonas Brothers out of my head. Why? Because it is a catchy song. Also, because I love the Jonas Brothers; meaning I LOVE the Jonas Brothers. My aunt and I had a fabulous time at their concert in September. 

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My name is Emily, and I blog about all of the books I read. I hope my reviews help you find an interesting book.