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Another Year of Books

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Emily Powell

2 minutes read

Imagine you think your husband is a serial killer. Actually you’re convinced he is because you keep finding evidence it may be true. How would you react?

My guess: probably not well. Not well at all.

Book Read: Tell Me I’m Wrong
Author: Adam Croft
Number of Books Read: 38

Megan Miller thought her life was normal. She and her husband, an elementary school teacher, seem happy with their newborn daughter. Then, two boys in their small, nothing-goes-wrong town are murdered, just weeks apart. And the evidence is pointing to her husband Chris. Or at least to Megan, the evidence is. After finding one thing then another, she fears for her daughter’s life.

Chris has a secret. One that could shatter everything for both himself and Megan. But is it what Megan thinks it is? Megan tried to uncover the truth one piece at a time but finds gaps in her memory and is starting to wonder what’s true and what’s all in her head.

This book was quite honestly a page turner until about 85 percent of the way through. Then you find out what actually happened, and you’re like “SERIOUSLY.” This one was lent to me by a coworker. We agreed that we were disappointed by the ending. This book ends pretty abruptly, with no real reason except Croft apparently wanted to end the book. You are left knowing what happened, but eh. Disappointing.

Plus, Megan is quite frankly a whiner at times. Whether about her husband, her sister, or her mother, she whines. While she is also dealing with personal issues, it comes off as whining. You definitely feel for her though, because she has her own stuff to deal it. And, after all her husband might be a serial child killer.

If you like a quick thriller that ends with all the I’s dotted and T’s crossed, this one is for you. But I did warn you about the whining.

Next Read: The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena

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My name is Emily, and I blog about all of the books I read. I hope my reviews help you find an interesting book.