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Another Year of Books

Welcome to my blog. Where reading a lot of books is the goal.

Book Reviews

Emily Powell

3 minutes read

It’s weird to be social again. For over a year, we have all gotten up, gone to work (mostly in our homes), came home (or logged off your computer), and stayed in watching old favorites, new TV shows, or finally catching up on that one everyone has been talking about. The main character in this next read has pretty much been living our quarantine lives. Her goal? To put herself out there. My goal? To go outside into the world again. So far, it’s been fun.

Emily Powell

3 minutes read

The number of books I have to read, whether they are on loan from my sister, on hold from the library, or my own books sitting on one of my bookshelves, keeps growing. So much so that I’ve decided to come up with a pattern to read them. This read is from my bookshelf. The next read is an e-book from the library. Following that I will be visiting one book on loan, before going back to the bookshelf. The only damper in my plans… The annual Library Book Sale is this weekend, and who knows what I…

Emily Powell

3 minutes read

Anytime you are waiting for the next book in a series, it feels like the release date takes forever to arrive. This is exactly what happened to me with this next read. I read the second book in the series after it came out last December. I pre-ordered the third for my Kindle. When I saw that Barnes & Noble had the third book in stock the weekend before the offical release day, I cancelled my Kindle pre-order and headed to the store. Now, I’m back to waiting for the fourth book, which comes…

Emily Powell

3 minutes read

It’s hard to believe Memorial Day is creeping up on us, especially since a week and a half ago, I had to wear a thick sweater and a jacket because it was chilly outside. Now it’s shorts weather. That’s Western PA weather for you. I, for one, am looking forward to being able to sit on my deck and read, all while working on the little tan I will get.

Emily Powell

3 minutes read

It seems like almost every time I go to Target, my book list grows by at least one, sometimes more. Occasionally, I actually buy the book I see, like when I bought One to Watch; other times, I just add the book to my Amazon list for future reference. I stumbled upon this next read on a Target run. It sounded fun. Then, Amazon sent a promo code to buy it for my Kindle. I usually can’t turn down the promo codes, so here we are with book #18.

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My name is Emily, and I blog about all of the books I read. I hope my reviews help you find an interesting book.