I enjoy a good sequel. There are always some good ones, and there are also some bad ones. Like movies, some books don’t need sequels but you get them anyway. For others, a sequel or companion never hurt anybody. Case in point: book #9 for 2019.
Welcome to my blog. Where reading a lot of books is the goal.
I enjoy a good sequel. There are always some good ones, and there are also some bad ones. Like movies, some books don’t need sequels but you get them anyway. For others, a sequel or companion never hurt anybody. Case in point: book #9 for 2019.
Daylight Savings Time. It’s amazing how one hour can make a difference. By difference, I mean make you annoyed that it’s dark when you go to work, or you’re just tired for the next few days. That sounds like a good opportunity to read a new book (or blog) before you fall asleep.
The bargain finds section of Barnes and Noble occasionally has some gems that either sound interesting or have been on my list to read. So some weekends, I just like to browse. For my seventh of read of 2019, I just happened to pick one up that had a fun cover.
Rom-coms. Admit it or not, everyone occasionally likes them, book or movie. The books are usually a quick read, and pass the time. So when I felt behind on the number of books, reading one seemed like a good way to catch up. One author rarely lets me down.
It’s been awhile since my last post. I’ll make no excuses. Maybe I’ve taken the bus a few times less than normal recently. Maybe I’ve spent some nights just watching Seinfeld (only 119 episodes more to go). Or maybe, it’s because this book took exactly two weeks to read. That’s not an excuse, right?