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Another Year of Books

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Emily Powell

2 minutes read

Rom-coms. Admit it or not, everyone occasionally likes them, book or movie. The books are usually a quick read, and pass the time. So when I felt behind on the number of books, reading one seemed like a good way to catch up. One author rarely lets me down.

Book Read: Every Breath
Author: Nicholas Sparks
Number of Books Read, 2019 Edition: 6

Hope Anderson and Tru Wells have never met. They just so happen to be staying in neighboring houses in Sunset Beach, North Carolina. Hope’s boyfriend is a no show to a wedding they are attending after an argument, and Tru is about to meet the father he never knew.

Beginning in the 1990, a chance meeting seems to steer Hope and Tru in a different direction. Over a weekend, their lives change. Hope tells Tru about her father’s ALS diagnosis and her desire for children. Tru shares his experience as a guide in Zimbabwe and how he can’t have more children. At the end of the weekend, a decision must be made.

Jump to 2014 when lives have progressed as they usually to. Fate has something in mind for Hope and Tru. Now in their 60s, Sunset Beach and Kindred Spirit are still calling to them in different ways. Will two letters lead to a happily ever after?  

Add in a jerk of a boyfriend (it’s true), a friendly ex-wife, and 24-ish years of life and you’ll have Every Breath.

I’ll admit I have read the majority of Nicholas Sparks’ novels. I have no shame in that. They are easy, enjoyable reads (most of the time - don’t get me started on Dear John).

Every Breath is your typical Sparks novel. You can anticipate Hope’s decision and how it will effect them. You won’t anticipate something that happens in Tru’s life. Keep in mind who the author is here - I’m confident you can guess how it ends, with a small twist.

Like these types of books? Then, read this one. I’m not saying it’s the greatest, I’m not saying it’s the worst - it’s not The Notebook, and definitely not Dear John. But it’s a easy, time passing read that will hold you over until Sparks’ next novel.

Next Read: The Decent Proposal by Kemper Donovan

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My name is Emily, and I blog about all of the books I read. I hope my reviews help you find an interesting book.