Book Reviews
Ever since I saw the movie version of The Notebook before I read the book (loved both by the way), I have always tried to read books before I watch the movie. See The Mountain Between Us as an example. This movie had serious Oscar buzz, but let’s not let that stray us from tradition here.
I mentioned I read two books during my weekend of relaxation in Sea Isle City. You already know I liked the first - did I like the second? Considering I read both in 6 days, you probably can guess. But let’s talk about it anyway. So picture you’re sitting here with this view, and read on!
I spent this past weekend completely relaxed on vacation in Sea Isle City, NJ. My plans consisted of eating, drinking, walking, sitting in the sand with SPF 50 on, and reading a book or two. All objectives: met.
Most of us understand being in a sports town. Whether it’s football, soccer, hockey, curling or any other sort, we understand it. Beartown looks like Pittsburgh on steroids when it comes to hockey. And that’s saying something.
I very rarely give up on a book. I can probably actually count on one hand how many times I haven’t finished a book I started. So I forced myself to finish book 32, with many complaints about it along the way.