Book Reviews
Every year, I look forward to the Beaver Area Library book sale. Over the years, I have found some gems. Since I moved, for the past two book sales, I drive to Beaver so my mom and I can walk to the book sale. This year was a successful year. Just ask my mom, she went back and got even more books.
I just celebrated my five-year anniversary at work. That means I get to attend the fancy lunch in the fall (finally), but it also means I, along with the rest of the Class of 2014, graduated college 5 years ago. Time flies - especially when you have 52 books a year to read.
I have been putting off writing this post because I’ve been feeling discouraged when it came to AYOB. While I’m slowly marching towards 52 books, I feel behind. Then I had myself convinced that despite knowing people read this, no one was actually reading. I mean, even my best friend openly admits she doesn’t read it.
AYOB has been MIA as my boyfriend, Matt, and I traveled to London and Paris for a vacation. While away, we took in historical sights, watched the Eiffel Tower’s 130th Anniversary light show, walked 124 total miles, and ate a lot of pastries. I mean a lot of pastries. Along the way, we found a bookshop in each city, each with its own uniqueness and fame (I might have picked up a book or two).
The only medical show I have watched (and thoroughly enjoyed) was House. It wasn’t too gruesome, and it had a way of looking deeper. The synopsis of this book reminded me of it. How House would weave into the patient’s mind or body to show you something. This book sounded like it would do the same.