I’m 26 years old, and every year, I’m still asked what’s on my Christmas list. The answer is usually pretty standard: money, something I’ve been putting off buying, and books. Becoming was a Christmas gift (thanks, Mom), as was this next read (thanks, Aunt Barb), and the one after this (again, thanks Aunt Barb). My philosophy: there is plenty of room on my bookshelf, so no amount of books is too many.
Book Read: One Day in December
Authors: Josie Silver
Number of Books Read, 2019 Edition: 2
It’s a cold, wintry night in December 2010. Laurie is counting down the minutes to the holidays while on the bus home. At a stop, she looks out, locks eyes with an attractive guy, and wonders if love at first sight is real.
So the story begins as Laurie spends a year looking for “bus boy” only to meet him, when her best friend Sarah introduces Jack as her boyfriend.
The book then spans the next seven years, telling the story from both Laurie’s and Jack’s point of views. In that seven years, Jack loses his way but makes a move, Sarah misses a big day, Laurie meets Oscar when vacationing in Thailand and tries to move on.
Life continues as Laurie and Jack both wonder what might have been. But when the stars align, will they get their acts together?
This book is a rom-com movie waiting to happen. I won’t say I’m mad about it. I thoroughly enjoyed this one. It wasn’t some typical “boy meets girl, boy messes up, boy apologizes, happily ever after” plot. This one had more depth than that.
Silver interjects the romantic comedy pieces with loss, conflict, and a female friendship that withstands unfortunate circumstances. It even made Reese Witherspoon’s book club. The book is lined with hidden secrets and will have you wondering when they’ll fly out into the open. You’ll be rooting for or against bus boy and Laurie the whole time.
One Day in December was a quick moving, great choice. If it were the holidays, I’d suggest reading it because ‘tis the season. But since it’s now January, I’d still recommend it.
Next Read: Less by Andrew Sean Greer
PS: An update. The puzzle is slowly progressing…